Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Scrabble Flash!!

This game is AWESOME. I think I'm addicted to it. So there's 5 small blocks, each one has an electronic display that brings up a random letter. The blocks can sense when they're near each other. So once it gives you your letter you move the blocks around to make as many 3-5 letter words as you can. It also keeps your score as you're going! I have played so many times and have yet to beat my high score of 17. The challenge is on!!
I've decided to add even more random stuff to my blog. I'm going to add a post when I find something I really like such as a movie, book, game etc. and this sounds really weird but I'm going to add posts about turkey clubs since I love them so much I am going to take pictures of the sandwich and rate it. Yay! Hope I will have something new to add soon!:)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Looking Across The Lake At Cedar Point

Mom and I at MAPS Air Museum

I Drew Scooby Doo In Chalk

Ice Cubes Shaped Like The Titanic!

Kaitlin, Ashley, and Mercedes and Ducky !

No More Pink Rubber Duckies?

One of the things on the scavenger hunt list was to take a picture with a pink rubber ducky in Bath and Body. But they didn't have any so we took a picture with the big yellow one and made a sad face.):

TITANIC the artifact exhibition!

New Picture Of Lily

It's really hard to see Lily and Bruiser's face because they're so dark and this was the best one I've gotten in a long time.


This movie was AWESOME I want to see it so many more times in theaters!

My New Titanic Shower Curtain

I got it from this awesome gift shop in Hudson, Ohio. They had the most random stuff but that's exactly why I liked it. :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I Went $hopping Today!!!!!

Today I used most of the money I got from my Easter cards from everyone. First I went to Aeropostale and got a bright yellow/green tank top and a pair of PJ pants. Next we went to Bed Bath and Beyond (I love that store!). and I got some Nautica covers to mach my recently painted room. Then I went to Best Buy hung out in the store for over an hour before I realized there was nothing there I wanted althought Camden bought Zombieland and dad got a Jim Gaffigan DVD for himself and Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 for Kaitlin. After that I walked over to Borders and bought some books. They were Mystic River by Dennis Lehane, The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks, and a collection of fifty six Sherlock Holmes stories and as expected Camden bought no books but dad got one about 101 inventions that anyone could have thought of like bottled water (free water that you pay for). Then I went home to drop everything off and eat and easter egg. I ate really quick then headed back out to Toys R Us and got a Nerf flag football set. Camden got some more ammo for his Nerf guns and some shockers (candy that is only found at Toys R Us) and some posters of stupid video games. Even dad found something there he couldn't resist the Nerf baseball bat. Then we went to Grinders for dinner. After that we went home and watched Zombieland and The Breakfast Club. It was a really fun day.

My Day At The Mckinley Museum

ahhhhhh! I just finished putting on about 25 pictures and then it just erased them all it took so long and I'm gonna go cra-z. This is all I'm going to post for now but I promise to put the rest on soon. Erg that makez me soo mad and if I knew how to make the little emoticon mad face I would.

Camden Outside On The Weekend

My Angel Food Cake

Tuesday, January 5, 2010