Thursday, July 22, 2010

Looking Across The Lake At Cedar Point

Mom and I at MAPS Air Museum

I Drew Scooby Doo In Chalk

Ice Cubes Shaped Like The Titanic!

Kaitlin, Ashley, and Mercedes and Ducky !

No More Pink Rubber Duckies?

One of the things on the scavenger hunt list was to take a picture with a pink rubber ducky in Bath and Body. But they didn't have any so we took a picture with the big yellow one and made a sad face.):

TITANIC the artifact exhibition!

New Picture Of Lily

It's really hard to see Lily and Bruiser's face because they're so dark and this was the best one I've gotten in a long time.


This movie was AWESOME I want to see it so many more times in theaters!

My New Titanic Shower Curtain

I got it from this awesome gift shop in Hudson, Ohio. They had the most random stuff but that's exactly why I liked it. :)